The Dream
In the late summer of 1922, John M. Chalfant (recognized by many to be the area's best golfer) met with a couple of friends to discuss the possibility of forming and building a golf course in the Kennett Square area. On Thursday, September 21st, 1922, a public notice was sent inviting the town to gather for a meeting at the Kennett Fireman's Auditorium to discuss the possibility of establishing a golf club. A special letter of invitation was sent to Mr. Pierre S. du Pont, vice president of E.I. DuPont Neomurs Company, a local philanthropist. DuPont responded, noting he believed the addition of the course and country club were desirable for the community providing the cost was not prohibitive. With enthusiasm from meeting attendees, consensus was reached and 20,000 was raised in a matter of minutes.